Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rite Aid

Got in on the Nivea lip deal this evening. Can't believe I even found any, but they had alot. I got messed up because some of them rang up with my 10% discount I wasn't expecting. Put alot of my transaction in the negative but I didn't realize it until one got so low it wouldn't take my last $2/2 coupon. (Not that I'm really complaining, it made for some dang low oop!)

Also found (5) Artic Advantage TBs, because no one else knew they were included :-)
The Dixie deal was, it was on sale for 2/$4.00, and I used a $1/2 IP and (2) $1.00 q's from the Flu Booklet, then got a $1 +UP back, so made them free. Almost missed out on these :-{
The Hugs was on clearance for .74 cents. My kid likes these.

$110.35 Value before Coupons
$60.66 +UP Spent
-$3.31 + 6.52 tax = $3.21 from gift card(s)
$79.13 +UP Rec'd
+$15.26 Profit Final Total