I had looked last week for those Minute Maid frozen lemonades; I had been looking for a small, single cup item, rather a 4-pack. Got 10 boxes free. Awesome!
Also, I had a mfr. coupon and an e-coupon for a loaf of Wonderbread, but apparently none of the local Krogers sell Wonderbread so I couldn't get any.
Trans #1:
$1.00 Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade x 5
- .50 (doubled) 7/26 RP x 5
= Free x 5
$2.00 Cinnabon x 2
- .75 8/16 RP x 2
= 1.25 x 2
$1.75 Keebler Cookies x 4
-2.00/2 Peelie on Cookies x 1*
= .75 x 4
$1.99 Milk x 2
-1.99 Kroger Promotion x 2
-2.00 "Fuel for School" x 2*
= Free + 2.01 overage
Total before Coupons: $19.98
Total Spent: $3.51 + .41 tax = $3.91
Trans #2:
$1.00 Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade x 5
- .50 (doubled) 7/26 RP x 5
= Free x 5
$2.00 Cinnabon x 2- .75 8/16 RP x 2
= 1.25 x 2
$1.75 Keebler Cookies x 4
-2.00/2 Peelie on Cookies x 2
= .75 x 4
$1.99 Milk x 2
-1.99 Kroger Promotion x 2
-2.00 "Fuel for School" x 2*
= Free + 4.02 overage
$ .49 Kroger Bread Mgr's Special x 2
Total before Coupons: $20.96
Total Spent: $2.48 + .43 tax = $2.91
Grand Total Spent: $5.99 + .84 tax = $6.83
*I went to Kroger today having decided that I'd try to use my "Fuel for School" coupons on the milk, but if they didn't let me, oh well, it was still a pretty good deal paying like $2.75 for milk, 2 packs of cookies, and a box of cinnabons.
I had thought maybe my F4S coupons might "beep" because of the cookie coupons, so I gave the milk ones first, and they beeped anyway. Possibly because the milk was $1.99, I'm not sure. Anyway, she put them on through.
Then she got to my cookie coupons and asked had I got six packs of cookies. I said no, I got four, two for each coupon. She said something about the other coupons and I pointed out that the other coupons were for milk, and these coupons were paying for the cookies. So she scanned one and it went through, then she scanned the other one and it didn't.
She said, Uh-huh, it won't take it, you done reached your coupon limit. (What?)
So I took the coupon back, paid, and went to the CS desk. Before I could get there, the cashier called the desk and told on me. A Manager was standing there and the CS Assoc gave the phone to him. He spoke to the cashier, apparently deciding that she was telling him I was trying to use two coupons for the same item, and that the register "caught me" (I heard the Manager say, oh yeah, the register'll catch it).
I showed him the milk coupon in question, and explained that it was for milk, not cookies, and he starts talking something about the Federal Government doesn't allow them to accept two coupons for the same item, something about taxes. (What??)
We discussed back and forth about the coupons not being for the same item. He said I had to buy 6 packages of cookies to be able to use the coupons.
I didn't say, I think you mean 8, because I didn't want to point out the fact that I had been able to use one of the cookie coupons and him ending up trying to take the coupon off and make me pay instead.
But it was obvious something else was going on with the coupons, and neither of them had a clue, and were just making up stuff...and then he pushed my hot button.
I said, When I shop at Publix, I use this coupon for milk, and this coupon for cookies, and there is no problem...and he says "Well, they're not supposed to".
AAArrrrgggghhh! That one single statement gives me Road Rage.
"Oh sure - You're right and everyone else is wrong." Puh-leeze.
So I left there and proceeded to the next Kroger on the way back home. Not expecting any different, and determined I wasn't going to argue with anyone. If I could use the milk coupons, fine, if I could one cookie coupon, or none, fine, same difference.
I gave the F4S milk coupons first - scanned with no problem or beeps. Scanned cookie coupons with no problem, no beeps.
And no Federal Government Agents swarmed out to get us for cheating on the taxes either, Yay! (WTH??)
Yeah really, WTH!?
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