Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I hit the last day of last weeks' sale and got a few more boxes of Rice Krinkies and a couple bags of marshmellows.
Lucky for me, Food Lion came out with a $1.50/3 Hamburger Helper coupon - just this morning, I think - and HH was on BOGO, so I was able to grab 12 boxes for a grand total of .54! Hamburger Helper isn't that great, but sometimes it's better than nothing, and can't complain about .04 a box, either. (I didn't really even pay anything a box after MMs, but the less something costs, the further my MMs go.)

Total Value Before Coupons: $90.27
Total After Coupons: -$1.81 + 2.70 tax = .89 oop

I did buy another $25.00 gift card, and it's probably another good thing that I did.  The man that was ringing me up was a "White Shirt", his tag read "Administrative Coordinator" (whatever that means), but he obviously wasn't the most experienced at cashiering, or at least in coupon usage. He first entered my $7/2 Phazyme coupons at $3.49, then told me he could only take off the dollar-something amount for my Glade candles, not the $2.00 the coupon was. I explained to him that Publix gets reimbursed the full amount of the coupon, so they go ahead and give full credit for the coupons.  He said Okay, and scanned them, but I got the idea he was just plactating me more than he understood what I was saying.

*Today was also the first day of the new weeks' sale, but I didn't go to it because I didn't see anything I wanted to buy from the new sale.

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