I was going to CVS Saturday night...the new week sale starts at 6pm on Saturday at our store...but my hubby make a snarky remark about driving so far (abt. 20 miles) just to go to one store, so I didn't go.
And I don't know what happened yesterday, I couldn't drag my fanny out of the house all day...and then it rained and came storms all evening so probably good I stayed home.
At any rate, as you would expect, the stores were flat cleaned out of the school supplies by the time I got there this morning.
The first CVS I went to had the rulers and the Gillette Fusion razors, no Tylenol.
I went ahead and got the rulers and the razor, which cost $5.97 after $4.00 coupon for the razor. I got back $5.98 ECB.
Then I made my photo book, which was $2.01 after paying $5.98 ECB. Got back $7.99 ECB, so my final total right now is +.01 cent (I think?).
The clerk gave me rainchecks for all the school supplies and the Tylenol. I forgot my PullUps coupons, so I will get those later.
Later in the day I went to another CVS in a different city...same story on the school supplies, but they also had no razors or Tylenol.
I got two rulers, and I had a $2.00 off Soft Soap Ensembles CRT and a $2.00 mfr. Q from Reinventing Beauty magazine so I got a $3.99 Soft Soap pump refill. Also a bag of Giant Nerds for filler to take the rest of my ECB I was spending amount.
Spent $2.00 ECB and $1.06, got back $1.98 ECB. Final Total $1.08 OOP.
Here I asked for rainchecks and was told they can't give rainchecks on 3-day sale items. Or, they could give rainchecks on the items, but she would have to write no ECBs in the ECB field because the ad says No ECBs after Tuesday. (Nevermind I WOULD have bought them on Monday had they been available for me to buy. I did my part, showing up on the right day.)
I also visited Staples to day to get my .01 paper and pencils. The pencils were .01 today...the paper I have to wait for a rebate, but that's okay, in the end it's still .01 paper. Can't beat that!
I need to remember to hit up Staples tomorrow while I am in Nashville! There's not one ner me anywhere. And you know we go through paper like crazy, and that's with printing q's on both sides ;)
You aren't kidding, it goes fast.
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