Sunday, August 15, 2010


Transaction #1:
$9.99 Zegerid
$3.49 Glide Floss
$3.49 Glide Floss
$4.49 Right Guard x 3
$0.00 Right Guard x 3
$1.49 Kotex U Liners
= $31.93

-5/$30 CVS IP
-4.49 BOGO Right Guard x 3
-1.00 Right Guard Blinkie x 3 (Didn't work, but she pushed it thru)
-3.00 Zegerid
- .75 Glide Floss x 2
-1.00 Kotex CVS IP
-1.00 Kotex 8/0?
= $27.97

-4.00 ECB
= -0.04 + 1.89 tax = $1.93 oop
Rec'd $5.00 Glide, $7.00 Zegerid
Final Total $6.07 profit

Transaction 2:
$9.99 Gillette Proglide
$7.99 Blink drops
$4.49 Right Guard
$0.00 Right Guard
$2.99 Emerald Pecans x 2
$0.00 Emerald Pecans BOGO sale x 2
1.00 P'nut Butter Crackers
.55 Ramen Noodles x 2
= $30.55 (Yep, over $30.00, and I didn't have another $5/$30 with me, boo)

-4/$20 CVS IP
-4.00 Gillette 8/01 P&G I think
-4.00 Blink Peelie
-4.49 Right Guard BOGO 7/25
-1.00 Emerald Nuts 8/15 RP (regional)x 4
= $20.49

Used $9.99 ECBs (I didn't have smaller ECBs so had to buy the crackers and ramen to be able to spend the ECBs I had)
= .07 + 1.33 tax = $1.40 oop
Rec'd $5.00 Gillette, $7.99 Blink
Final Total $1.60 profit

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