Sunday, July 18, 2010


(Excuse the Colgate and 2 bundles of the AJC; I didn't buy them at CVS.)
Transaction #1:
$7.99 Celcius
$5.99 Tylenol Precise
$2.99 Biotrue
$2.99 Biotrue
$1.00 Pretzel MnMs
= $20.96

-3.00/15.00 (Left $1.00 on the table because I meant to print $4/$20 q's last night and forgot)
-3.00 Celcius IP
-2.00 Tylenol Precise Tearpad
-2.00 Tylenol CVS IP
-2.00 Biotrue IP
-2.00 Biotrue IP
- .50 BOGO M'n'M's

Used $6.00 ECB

Total $.46 + .93 tax =$1.39
Rec'd $1.00 Green Bag Tag, $1.00 M'n'M's, $2.00 Tylenol Precise, $5.98 Biotrue, $7.99 Celcius
Final Total $10.58 Profit

Transaction #2:
$7.99 Celcius
$5.99 Tylenol Precise
$3.00 AJC
$3.00 AJC
= $19.98

-3.00/15.00 (Again, wish I had a $4/$20)
-3.00 Celcius IP
-2.00 Tylenol Precise Tearpad
-2.00 Tylenol CVS IP

Used $10.00 ECB (Even though I used it before MQs, the last MQ beeped rather than eating into the tax, so she had to enter it for 0.02 less)

Total $0.00 + .35 tax = .35
Rec'd $7.99 Celcius, $2.00 Tylenol
Final Total $0.36 oop

Grand Total $10.22 Profit & free newspapers

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