Monday, July 19, 2010


Woohoo! Big day at Kroger!

Note: These are Atlanta area/South-East Region Kroger prices and deals. Prices and Deals vary by Region.

I'm sure I could have planned this out better (if I had any sense) but oh well, I do my best. Still did pretty good, so I can't complain too much!

Besides the Mega deal, I was working the Kraft and School Supply OYNO cat-coupon deals:
$5.00 wyb 5 Kraft
$4.00 wyb $20.00 Value School Supply (This based on regular, before sale prices, which at my Kroger were $2.39 each, so I bought 9 boxes to reach the $20.00+ value. They were on sale for $0.25 each, so they only cost me $2.25, and I got a $4.00 OYNO Cat)

Transaction 1:
I was starting out paying cash, so I got 10 Vitamin Waters for the overage to bring my oop cost down.
I believe I would have done better grouping (5) Vitamin Waters and (5) Cream Cheese at a time.

$0.75 Vitamin Water x 10
-0.50 Tearpad mq's (doubled) x 10
= +2.50 overage

$0.99 Philly Cream Cheese x 5
-1.00/2 Tearpad mq x 2
= $2.95
Rec'd $5.00 OYNO = +2.05

$2.00 Nilla Wafers x 2
-1.00 Tearpad mq x 2
= $2.00

$1.50 Qtips x 3
- .30 MQ (doubled) x 3
= $2.70

$1.00 Crest (Non Mega) x 5
- .50 MQ (doubled) x 5
= $0.00

$0.25 Crayons x 9
= $2.25
Rec'd $4.00 OYNO = +1.75

Total $7.40 + .61 tax = $8.01 oop
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $0.99 Profit

Transaction 2:
$0.25 Crayons x 9
= $2.25
Rec'd $4.00 OYNO = +1.75

$0.99 Philly Cream Cheese x 5
-1.00/2 Tearpad mq x 2
= $2.95
Rec'd $5.00 OYNO = +2.05

$1.50 Qtips
- .30 MQ (doubled)
= $0.90

$0.99 Spagettios x 4
- .50/2 (doubled)
= +.04

Used $5.00 OYNO

Total $1.06 + .31 tax = $1.37
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $2.63 Profit

Transaction 3:
(5) Cream Cheese
(2) Nilla Wafer
(3) Vitamin Water
(9) Crayons
Used $5.00 OYNO
Total $1.45 + .44 tax = $1.89
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $2.11 Profit

Transaction 4:
(5) Cream Cheese
(2) Nilla Wafer
(3) Vitamin Water
(9) Crayons
(2) cans Pinto Beans
Used $8.00 OYNO (Here I was experimenting to see if I could use (2) of the School Supply Cats on the same order because they are Kroger/Store coupons. I don't know if worked, or if she entered it manually, but she took it, whichever.)
Total $0.09 + .49 tax = $0.58
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $0.42 Profit

Transaction 5:
(5) Cream Cheese
(2) Nilla Wafer
(3) Vitamin Water
(9) Crayons
(1) Nesquick Mix
(1) Bananas (Free Bananas wyb Nilla Wafers Peelie found couple months ago)
Used $9.00 OYNO
Total $1.83 + .59 tax = $2.42
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $2.42 Cost

Transaction 6:
(5) Cream Cheese
(2) Nilla Wafer
(2) Vitamin Water
(1) Oreos
(9) Crayons
Used $9.00 OYNO
Total -0.11 + .50 tax = $0.39
Rec'd $9.00 OYNO = $0.39 Cost

Total Saved Using my Kroger Card $228.35
Total Spent $14.66
Still have $18.00 OYNO
Final Total $3.34 Profit


csavings said...

I was also able to take advantage of the crayon deal. Now what do I do with 50 packages of crayons? I guess the local school will get a nice treat!

Melissa said...

Yep, other than a few boxes for the little neices, that's where the majority of mine is going.